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29/7 Peaks and Troughs

Week 8 complete. 

Starting weight:77.25kg

Last monday:72.2kg

Today: 71.2kg

Peaks because your gal was UP A MOUNTAIN this week ahahah and also because we had the EVENT OF THE YEAR with over 40 of you attending the July Workshop on Saturday!! 

So overall, on reflection, an absolutely outstanding week in terms of achievements, moments and memories. I unplugged for two days, turned my phone off and went wild camping, slept above the clouds… and wow it was beautiful and oh so worth it! A moment to recharge was most definitely needed, as on return I got straight back to WORK, preparing for Saturday. Although I had made sure ALOT of the ground work had already been done, the finer details, the packing, and actually DOING the event was of course now PRIORITY. 

AND WHAT A DAY - I’ll keep saying it, but i dont think ill get over it. The speakers, Alex Lord PCA pro and judge, Chloe Pickford IFBB wellness pro, George Osbourne and Dr. Wiks… we covered it ALL. Their personal stories and journeys, aswell as social media, the impact of others and your circle, self belief and confidence, stage presence, female health, the route to assistance and the health considerations. We had the GROUP POSING lessons - bikini part 1 and 2 for NPC and PCA; we had FIGURE split into beginner and advanced; Bodybuilding and Classic; and of course not forgetting the sassy full assy wellness queens.

The following day however was actually really hard, the comedown was REAL, the adrenaline, the energy, the fatigue, it had all built up and lead to one of the HARDEST training sessions i have had since my LAST PREP. 

So its time for a reset, a deload and a small refeed and drop off some fatigue to come back and get the last 4kg off ready to GROW AGAIN. 

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