The timing of Saturday's UKDFBA show could not have been better!
On Friday, I had another scan and felt that I got no further along because the radiographer said that he would like the consultant radiographer to scan me. I have to be honest, I did feel quite a few emotions about this.
Disappointment at what felt like another delay.
Frustration because I am so eager to work towards my goals at full force.
Nerves and anxiety about why this was necessary.
BUT, my coach contacted me straight away in spite of being one day out of his show and siad "okay, so in theory, right now, nothing has changed... let's push up your food and keep doing what we do." And wow, I was grateful for this outlook. That's the benefit of investing in a coach who knows how you tick. I like consistency and to feel like I am moving forwards and that's how I feel now.
So, on Saturday, I went to The Heart of England to watch him compete, along with a whole host of our TPwH athletes and what a day it was! I was literally in AWE of the competitors on stage. The standard of natural athletes was mind blowing. And you know what, I'll be honest, I thought it was a good job that I have been forced to take longer to grow!! The muscle mass on both the bikini and figure competitors was INSANE!!!
I know I can get lean, but the condition which was showcased was also phenomenal.
I was so proud of our athletes, getting to meet Mon was a real highlight. Supporting my coach on the same stage that he had competed on exactly 3 years to the day previously (a post which led to us becoming connected online) was very special.
So yes, I felt all those negative emotions on Friday. I let myself feel them and sat with those feelings. But by Saturday, I felt focused, determined and ready to push on. Things are sent to try us, to see how badly we want it.
And I WANT it!